Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Of The Lesser Gods

Children borne of the lesser gods
condemned to a life of disdain
where gurgling laughter
and innocence lose their meaning
early years are reserved for menial training.

Corrupted minds and corrupted hearts
the milieu tearing their childhood apart.
a roving eye,
an outstretched arm
seeking comfort from another's alms.

Exposed to the ways of the world
nobody to tell them, right from wrong.
The only lesson they learn
that molds them at their tender age
is to survive, just another day.

Yet these children, borne of the lesser gods
instinctively, make choices,
choices of which normal childhood is made of.
They play in mud,
cry in pain
build castles of clay
and string empty cans as trains.
They too admire their reflection in the mirror,
impersonating a superstar
gather the rags to innovate them as dresses
for junk, they label them baubles and trinkets.
They too seek others of their age
uncannily,their games resemble games of those born to normal personage.

When one amongst the children, borne of the lesser gods
begins to thrive and shine
when one amongst them, begin to more than just survive
A challenge to those living lives of normalcy
One of whom, points them towards their shrine of abject misery and dependency
borne of the lesser gods, you forever will be.


Unknown said...

Very touching... You have put together the thoughts and flow so well that one actually feels dark and bitter at the end.

Anonymous said...

very beautiful.............

k10 said...

I dint know that you had a poet hidden somewhere!

Anonymous said...

thanks a ton! i am still figuring out who K10 is though?

Anonymous said...
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John said...

Your poem as an eerie essence; some sort of mystique quality. I can't quite point to where it is, but indeed it surely is unique. Very nice.

Dilpreeta said...

Thank you it is very encouraging.

Dilpreeta said...

Now I know!

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