Saturday, September 8, 2007

Biblical Seven Sins of Life

In the shadow of grey
One toils with profligacy
Let's introduce ourselves to the dark side today.
Step back and push common perception aside
I am going to walk you through the biblical seven sins of our lives.

Pride and vanity antithesis of humility
In the garb of ‘I’ and healthy competition
Caught up in the web of comparison
Feeding the gratification of dignity
Proud of what one is and whom one has.

Avarice and greed contradicts generosity
Cloaked in want for one’s fair share and a little bit more.
Whose yardstick do we use to define a true altruist
Can one give more than what one seeks ?
Can one manage expectations when they peak?

Envy is everything love is not
Disguised and huddled in the hearts of all
Impatience destroys the love inside
Too much of love is the shard of envy that pierce’s one through
Numb and immobile, selfless love.

Wrath and anger destroy the acts of kindness
Flaw of the human mind
It remembers what it listens to last
A look, a touch, a word so harsh
Revoke at will, one cant.

Lust to placate sensuality,
Desire insatiable, for power, money and lovemaking ruthlessly
Pleasure of uncontrollable adrenaline rush
Stifling for the lack of sobriety
Overwhelmed by opportunities of extravagant lifestyle

Gluttony pushes the limits of temperance
Hankering for debauchery, regalement and social vibrance
Certitude in morality and responsibility , an extinguishing flame.
Appetite to challenge faith
A path easier than forbearance

Sloth is effacing the zeal
Blighting zest for life and the spiritual inside
A sense of wasted-ness,
Stupor of mind and thought
Accepting without questioning, subscribing to existing schools of thought

In the shadow of grey
Toiling with profligacy
Living with the dark side today
Common perception pushed aside
The biblical seven sins of our lives.


P T said...

i like that lust one. is not it beautiful after all? Lust, as long as u r not trying to overpower!!!

Anonymous said...

u said it was an article... sounds more like poetry to me... but its a masterpiece.. truely brilliant!!!!!

Yi Bhopal said...

Hey! How are you doing???

Unknown said...

Just read a few poems you've written... You write really well!

Unknown said...

some disagreements
1.pride: what is a man with out pride? pride comes from achievemnts, from actions. i would like to befriend a man/woman who has pride, because of this pride this person will do things in the manner worth doing. and if i were to offer my self to anyone what would be more priceless than my pride?

2.greed: what is greed but a clearly defined objective, and with out an objective not too sure how many would reach some thing worth reaching. of course there are exceptions like columbus (reached america while looking for india!!!)

3.lust: what is a better experience in life than being in the throes of a lust fulfilled. and lust is not limited to physical intimacy!! the adrenal rush that one feels just before doing some thing gut wrenching, the joy of having completed or even attempted some thing not doable is beyond compare

on these being called sins and on them being aplicabe to man kind

look back at history ceaser, alexander, akbar all big guys had all these and more...i believe that these rules (for that matter any rule) is made to keep the masses under control and not let them question the incumbent ruler or the status quo...also no process is perfect forever...what works for now holds no meaning for yesterday or tomorrow...but man has alwayts tried to keep other men tied down by various means - violence and in more civilised societies by rules and punishments

blah blah blah...

Dilpreeta said...

so we do agree, Rajdeep! now dont we...hunger to strive!!

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